New Amsterdam Dutch Reformed Church
(Child's name in Bold print)
Baptisms of 1640: 1 Jul; Gerrit Janszen Van Aldenburgh; Anneken; Abraham Plancker, Laurens Pieters, Christina Viney
Baptisms of 1641: 6 Jan; Jeurgie Roelofszen; Tryntie; Olof Stephenszen Van Courtl., Jan Snedicker, shoemaker; Rachel Vinge, Tryntje Willems
Baptisms of 1643: (1) 15 Nov; Dirck Volkertszen; Volckert; [witnesses:] Cornelis Tienhoven-secretaris, Jans Janszen dam, Philip Graer, Marie Philips.
(2) 14 Dec; Roelandt Hack Wardt; Jan; Abraham Isaac Planck, Christina Vynen and husband, Van Dirck de Noorman
Baptisms of 1647: 24 Nov; Marten Cregier; Lysbeth; Grrt. Vastrick, Augustyn Harmens, Rachel Vinge, Marie Philips
Baptisms of 1648: 1 Nov; Abraham Isacszen Planck; Hillegond; Jan Vinge, Olof Stephenszen Van Courtlt., Judith Stuyvesants
Baptisms of 1650: (1) 5 Jun; Jochem Kier; Michiel and Dorothe-twins; Dirck de Noorman and his wife Chrystyn, Pieter Andrieszen, Daniel Sergiant, Elisabeth Cregiers, Claertie Ebels
(2) 21 Aug; Dirck Volkertszen; Ariaentje; Jan Vinge, Claes Corszen, Lysbeth Cregiers, Aefje Van Tienhoven
Baptisms of 1651: (1) 26 Feb; Abraham Planck, Maria Vinge; Isaac; Jan Vinge, Marten Cregier, Emmetie Gosens
(2) 23 Apr; Jan Hermanszen Schut [and Grietje Dircks]; Fytie; Dirck Volckertszen, Ariaentje Damens, Rachel Van Tienhoven
Baptisms of 1653 (1) 19 Jan; Gerrit Janszen, Aeltje Lamberts; Pieter; Abraham Planck, Jan Vinge, Maria Planck
(2) 7 Dec; Dirck Volckertszen; Janneken; Abraham Planck, zen Noorman, Abrahams
Baptisms of 1654 4 Feb; Cornelis Hendrickszen; Marritje; Jan Vinge, Mar Grietie Dircks
Baptisms of 1655 (1) 1 Jan; Corn. Van Tienhoven-fiscael; Johannes; Jan Vinge, Maria Vinge
(2) 25 Apr; Lubbert Gerritszen, Grietie; Gerrit; Albert Leendertszen, Dirck de Noorman, Ariaentie
(3) 26 Sept; Jan Hagel-Sergt., Grietie Jans; Christyntie; Jochem Caher, Elmer Huysen Cleyn, Christina Vinge
Baptisms of 1656: (1) 30 Aug; Pieter Stoutenburg, Aeltie Van Tienhoven; Jannetie; Rachel Vinge
(2) 13 Dec; Simon Sel, Anita Vincent; Marie; Matheus de Vos. Notaris, Pieterje Kip, Hester Van Couwenhoven, Maria Vinge
Baptisms of 1657: 20 May; Cornelis Van Tienhoven-fdiscael, Rachel Vinge; Jannetie; Olof Stephenszen Van Courtlt., Pieter Stoutenburg, Tryntie Rodenburg, Marritie Varrevanger
Baptisms of 1659: (1) 12 Apr; Herman Hendr. Rosencrans, Magdalena Dircx; Alexander; Barent Gerritszen, Sara Dircx.
(2) 21 Dec; Sara Dircks de Noorman; Sara; no witnesses
Baptisms of 1662: 30 Jul; Ide Corneliszen, Hilletje Jans; Cornelis; Jan Vinge, Egbert Wouterszen
Baptisms of 1664: 14 Dec; Johan [Lequier], Rachel Dircks; Christina; Jaequis Casjou, Christina
Baptisms of 1666: 10 Jan; Pieter Stoutenburg, Aefje Van Tienhoven; Lucas; Jan Vinge, Sara Roelofs
Baptisms of 1667: 27 Feb; Gerrit Janszen Roos, Tryntie Arents; Aeltie; Jan Vinge, Tryntie Roelofs
Baptisms of 1669: Sept; Corn. Janszen Klopper, Hiletje Pieters; Petronella; Jan Vinge, Jaen Van Vorst, Jannetie Jans
Baptisms of 1670: 23 Dec; Lucas Tienhoven, Tryntie Bordings; Rachel; Jennetie Vinge [this was probably Jan Vigne's wife Emmetie]
Baptisms of 1671: 23 Jul; Elias Provoost, Cornelia Roos; David; Gerrit Janszen Roos, Immetie Vinge
Baptisms of 1674: 28 Apr; Herman Hendrickszen, Magdalena Dircx; (no child given); Volckert Dircxen, Jannetie Dircx
Baptisms of 1675: (1) 7 Jul; Elias Provoost, Cornelia Roos; Jan; Jan Vinge, Immetie Vinge
(2) 27 Jul; Andries Breestede, Annetie Van Borsum; Jannetie; Jacob Dirckszen, Adriaentie Dircx
Baptisms of 1676: 23 Aug; Pieter Eschamp, Jannetie Dircx; Joost; Joris Kockuyt, Marritie Hendricx
Baptisms of 1677: 17 Oct; Pieter Loper, Geertruyt Nieulant; Michiel; Jan Vinge, Maryken Kips
Baptisms of 1678: 6 Apr; Hendrick Rycke, Ide Jacobszen; Iden; Jan Vinge, Tryntie Idens![](/tp.gif)
Baptisms of 1679: (1) 12 Feb; Elias Provoost, Cornelia Roos; Gerrit; Gerrit Janszen Roos, Immetie Vinge
(2) 9 Aug; Nathaniel Bely, Margariet Obbe; Sara; Hendrick Janszen Vin, Cornelis Janszen, Emmetie Vinge
(3) 16 Aug; Jan Loudren Bogart, Cornelia Everts; Johannes; Hendrick Janszen Vin, Cornelis Janszen, Emmetie Vinge
Baptisms of 1681: 1 Apr; David Ackerman, Hillegond Ver Plancken; David; Jan Vinge, Annetie Ackermans
Baptisms of 1684: 12 Oct; Jeuriaen Nagel, Jannetie Klits; Grietie; Volkert Dirckszen, Styntie _______
Baptisms of 1685: 16 May; Pieter Laurenszen, Sara Laurens; Dorothe; Volkert Dircxen, Dorothe Jochems
Baptisms of 1686: 24 Mar; Volckert Dircxen, Annetje Philips; Rebecca; Michiel Parmentier, Neeltje Jans
Baptisms of 1687: 17 Apr; Jan Vanderlinden [error for VAN DER GRIST?], Neeltje Dircks; Dirck; Thomas Laurenszen, Lysbeth Corneliszen
Baptisms of 1695: (1) 10 Apr; Jeuriaen Nagel, Jannetje Philips; Jan; Philip Holckertszen, Annetje Philips.
(2) 21 Aug; Dirck Volckerszen, Maria Wip [Witt]; Pieter; Claes Volckerszen, Anna Van Cleft, h.v. Philip Volckerszen
Baptisms of 1696: 14 Oct; Joh. Van der Grist, Neeltje Volckerts; Jacob; Philip Volckertszen, Jannetje Van Tricht
Baptisms of 1697: 23 Jun; Lammert Janse, Titje Barents; Marten; Claas Barentse Blom, Niesje Vinje [it's generally believed there were no surviving Vigne's by this who is this?]
The Register of New Netherland 1626-1674
Magistrate at Boswyck, Aug 18, 1673 - Volckert Dirckse
Assessment Roll of the Real and Personal Property in Boswyck, made up on the 19th August, 1675
Dierckse, Jabecq: 1 poll, 1 horse, 1 ditto of 3 yrs, 1 cow, 1 sheep, 5 morgans of land...53. 10 pounds [this appears to be Jacob, Dirck's youngest son]
Dierckse, Volckert: 2 polls, 3 horses, 1 ditto of 3 yrs, 1 ditto of 1 yr, 5 cows, 4 ditto of 3 yrs, 3 ditto of 1 yr, 6 sheep, 2 hogs, 25 morgans of land & valley...179 pounds
Housman, Charles: 1 poll, 1 horse, 3 cows, 11 morgans of land & valley...67 pounds [husband of Ariantje Dirckse]
Schamp, Pieter: 1 poll, 2 cows, 1 sheep, 3 morgans of land...34.10 pounds [husband of Jannetje Dirckse]
Volckerse, Dierck: 1 poll, 3 horses, 1 of 2 yrs, 2 of 1 yr, 3 cows, 1 of 3 yrs, 1 of 1 yr, 6 sheep, 36 morgans of land and valley...160 pounds
Assessment Roll of Boswyck made up 23 Septemb. 1676.
Dierckse, Jabecq 1 poll 2 horses 1 do of 1 yr 2 sheep 10 morgans land 65 18
Dierckse, Volkert 2 poll 3 horses 1 do of 2 yrs 8 cows 2 do of 3 yrs 3 do of 2 yrs 4 do of 1 yr 8 sheep 2 hogs 25 morgans of land & valley 193 18
Housman, Charles 1 poll 2 horses 6 cows 2 do of 1 yr 2 sheep 11 Morgans of land & valley 97 18
Lesquier, Jan 2 polls 2 horses 5 cows 2 do of 3 yrs 1 do of 1 yr 1 sheep 28 morgans of land 159 [husband of Rachel Dirckse]
Schamp, Pieter 1 poll 3 cows 1 do of 1 yr 9 morgans of land 52 10
pp. 54-55, Rate List of Bushwyck, 8 Septr AO 1683
Dircksen, Volkert: 1 poll, 1 horse, 1 of 3 yrs, 1 of 1 yr, 6 cows, 3 of 3 yrs, 4 of 2 yrs, 4 of 1 yr, 4 sheep 50 morgans of land & valley 200.14
Dirckx, Jacob: 1 poll, 1 horse, 7 morgans of land 44.
Loquier, Jan: 1 poll, 2 horses, 7 cows, 4 of 3 yrs 5 of 2 yrs 4 of 1 yr 28 morgans of land & valley 167.
Scamp, Jannitje: 1 cow, 2 of 3 yrs 13. [wife of Pieter Schamp]
THE ROLL Off Those Who Haue Taken The Oath Off Allegiance In The Kings County In The Province Off New Yorke The 26: 27: 28: 29: And 30th Day Off September In The Third Year Off His Mayish Raigne Annoque Domine 1687.
"His Majesty" was King James II, Catholic and unpopular, who was unseated just a year later
off Boswijck
Volkert Dirckse native
Pieter Schamp 15 Jeare
Jean Le quie 30 Jeare
Jacob dirckse Rosekrans native [possibly related?]
CENSUS OF KINGS COUNTY; ABOUT 1698 A List Of All The Freeholders Their Wives Children Apprentices And Slaves Within The Kings County On Nassauw Island.
In The Town Of Boswick
Jannetse Schamp...1 Woman 6 Children [dau. of Dirck, widow of Pieter Schamp]
Phillip Volkertsz...1 Man 1 Woman 2 Children
Barent Gerritz Vlasbeek...1 Man 1 Woman [third husband of Grietje Dirckse]
Anna Volkertse...1 Woman 8 Children 2 Slaves [widow of Volkert Dirckse]
Dirck Volkertze...1 Man 1 Woman 3 Children 2 Slaves
Jean Lescuier (F) [French]...3 Men 2 Women 1 Child